WTI Panels
WTI panel is a sandwich constituted by a board of rigid phenolic foam faced on both sides by an aluminium foil. The high density foam, produced using top quality chemicals as well as CFC and HCFC free bowling agents, in line with the most recent environmental protection guidelines, is characterized by excellent stability and insulation properties. Moreover, the transparent coating on the aluminum foil itself makes them particularly resistant against UV rays and other weather agents. The particular close-cell chemical structure of the foam does not allow any water absorption. Moreover, accelerated ageing tests carried out in labaratory have shown that after 15 years the insulation of WTI panel will be reduced of 6% only. The aluminum foil also ensure the vapor barrier, with an Excellent value. The panels stiffness is greater than 350.000mm


PI- 4001
Panel dimensions : 4000×1200 mm
Panel thickness: 20 mm
Aluminium finish : embossed
Panel facing: Reinforced Aluminium

PI- 4002
Panel dimensions : 4000×1200 mm
Panel thickness: 20 mm
Aluminium finish : embossed
Panel facing: Reinforced Aluminium

PI- 4005
Panel dimensions : 4000×1200 mm
Panel thickness: 30 mm
Panel facing: Reinforced Aluminium

Panel dimensions : 4000×1200 mm
Panel thickness: 30 mm
Aluminium finish : Smooth/Embosed
Insulation Systems

WTI Soffit Insulation
Panel dimensions : 4000x1200 mm
Panel thickness: 50 mm
*Soffit board is closed cell phenolic insulation foam
and can be used for building insulation applications

Panel dimensions : 4000×1200 mm
Panel thickness: 100 mm
Our team of experts do their best
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.